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Chicago 1990 dropped

I am dropping this novel. I am already editing a novel with luxican. check that if interested:- ( Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner ) With my busy irl, and the editing, I don't have enough time for working on Chicago 1990. This will be used to post my web novel reviews from now on. Thank you to all of you for viewing this novel here.

Chicago 1990 Chapter 09

 TL:- madghost Chapter 09 Note:- I will be busy starting from tomorrow. There's is no answer as to when I will have time to post again. So I won't be able to post 5 chapters a week like I told before. But I will try to maintain 3/4 chapters per week. Again thanks for reading.

No chapter

No chapter today. cause I'm not feeling well. With that being said, I want to be clear about the release schedule. Basically, I try to post a chapter a day. I might take a day off on either Saturday or Sunday if I am busy.